December 23rd - a Car Pileup, Minimum Wage, and the Gun Buyback


Be careful driving during the holidays. A massive 70 car pileup on a Virginia highway was attributed to heavy fog and ice. 51 people were injured in some way, and 2 were injured critically.




A slight increase to minimum wage starts on the 1st. Florida's minimum wage is going up from 8.46 to 8.56 per hour. If you work 2000 hours per year that is an extra $200.




Gainesville's gun buyback last weekend was reportedly pretty successful. Police say they received over 100 firearms, went through their $7,800 early, and closed up shop. There was also a group of gun collectors across the street trying to buy up the good, and presumably also legal, guns before the police took them away to be dismantled.


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