January 14th - The Ukranian Plane, Recreational Marijuana, and the City of Newberry


Iran, after initially denying destroying a Ukranian passenger plane and killing 180 people, has now claimed it was an accident. They say that the plane was shot down due to human error. The majority of deaths were of Ukrainians and Canadians




Recreational Marijuana likely wont be on the ballot in 2020. Advocates fell short of the ¾ of a million signature threshold for a citizen initiative. The Florida Supreme court is also trying to work out how the bill would be worded in the first place. The wording was rejected because the bill failed to acknowledge that Marijuana would still be illegal under federal law.




Newberry is considering joining other cities and counties in Florida in becoming a second amendment sanctuary city. The resolution would announce that the local government would not use their power to impede on citizens 2nd amendment rights, should it become an issue on a higher level.


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