Okeechobeefest Day 3: Go Hard or Go Home

Everyday of Okeechobeefest has been eventful to say the least, but I think Saturday takes the cake for the best day. That's saying a lot of the artists, considering my phone died around midnight and I had no way to charge it til this morning. I didn't manage to take any photos yesterday. I"m a terrible intern.

In the early part of the day, my friends and neighbors and I spent most of our time hanging out at the tent trying to stay warm. The neighbors were smart enough to bring a little grill and whipped up some hot dogs for lunch. 

I really thought I would have more of a drive to go out and do EVERYTHING I could possibly fit into my schedule while I'm here. However, the more new people I meet the more I really just enjoy hanging around and talking with them, then maybe going for a walk around the grounds before heading to a show. 

And that's exactly what I did. In the evening my friends and I left to go watch Earthgang, who I had never heard of before this weekend but now love, then hung around to watch Clairo and Bob Moses. It's cool how the music at this festival can go from rap to indie to house and still feel like it's perfectly timed. 

After watching those sets, we hiked back to the tent to grab more layers, as South Florida decided to be freezing for Okee. We hung out for about an hour before I met up with the neighbors to head to Vampire Weekend. 

While preparing to leave the tent for the main stages, I witnessed the creation of an abomination which is know known as the "Pirate Trash Can." The Pirate Trash Can, as created by my neighbors, combines strawberry lemonade, Malibu dark rum, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. I was not brave enough to try it, as it managed to smell like both sunscreen and bread at the same time, but apparently it wasn't the worst drink they had ever tasted. 

Vampire Weekend's set was easily the most entertaining thing I've ever watched. All the instruments come together to make this groovy, psychedelic sound, but they can also switch to funk and edgey pop with ease. They also had the best visuals, so it was an awesome experience. I pity anyone who watched me dancing, because I did not hold back. 

Next came Tipper, who I had never heard of before tonight, but quickly learned is a BIG deal. His set was at a smaller side stage, which I think took away from the performance. I couldn't hardly see the visuals for his set due to the crowd, but I could feel the bass in my chest before I could even see the stage. Tipper makes music for ragers, and people who dance with their whole entire body. I am not one of those people, but I could definitely appreciate the energy. 

Following Tipper, I didn't hardly have enough energy to keep my eyes open, so we headed back to the tent for bed. Today I'm interviewing the band Flipturn and watching Hippie Sabotage and Mumford and Sons perform. Be on the lookout for my final update and interview with Flipturn! 


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