New At The Movies: 'Aladdin' and 'Booksmart'


New at the movies is the live-action remake of Disney’s Aladdin, Booksmart, and Brightburn.



Everyone knows what Disney's take on Aladdin is. A homeless man and his monkey befriends a Will Smith genie and wins the affection of a princess.

The film has a 57% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes.



Booksmart is a rated R coming of age film about high school best friends. They spent all of their time studying to get into great colleges, and they regret never partying. They aim to fix that.

Booksmart has a critics score of 97%.



Brightburn is a supervillain movie that is essentially “What if Superman, but bad?” It's literally the same story as Superman, except the kid is evil from the start. It has a critics score of 59%.

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